7 Celebrities You Might Run Into In NYC

7 Celebrities You Might Run Into In NYC

New York City is the cultural and intellectual hub of the United States; it only makes sense that those that have found their place of importance in the public eye would be there. They live fast lives for the most part, and could be in NYC one day and in Paris the next. You have a chance at running into many, many celebrities, but there are a few that are known for being in the city more than others. Whether they live in New York City or just like to shop there, these are the top ten celebrities you’re most likely to run into in New York City.
1. Matt Damon You probably know him from his recent blockbuster hit “The Martian,” his lead in the mind-bending Nolan film “Interstellar,” or maybe you know him from his iconic role as Jason Bourne. Whatever you know him from, you’ll likely recognize him if you spot him in NYC. The actor has recently been scoping out houses in the Brooklyn area, and he’s spotted by fans in NYC regularly.
2. Jim Carrey  This is an actor with an extremely wide range of talent. You may know him from his wacky antics in “The Mask,” his critically acclaimed and  heartfelt performance in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” or as the wise, spiritual leader and motivational speaker. He’s all over the place, which is why so many people love him. He has a home in Manhattan, and he’s often spotted in various areas throughout the city.
3. Jesse Eisenberg  Jesse Eisenberg is known for his brilliant portrayal of the genius Mark Zuckerberg in the 2010 film, The Social Network. You may also recognize him as Lex Luthor in the recently launched DCEU, costarring with with Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill in Batman v. Superman.  As an A-list actor, he has his own home in the Big Apple. It’s clear that he’s a fan of the arts, as he’s seen mostly at movie premiers and film festivals in the city.
4. Robert DeNiro  Considered by many to be one of the greatest actors of his generation, Robert DeNiro brings an explosive, memorable, and unique performance to every character he embodies. Memorable works include Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and The Godfather Part 2. He’s actually one of the celebrities on this list you’re most likely to see in the wild. He must like to get out, because he’s spotted absolutely everywhere in NYC with very little rhyme or reason.
5.-6. Jay Z and Beyonce Possibly one of the most relevant power couples for the last decade, Jay Z and Beyonce have been shaping pop culture for over a decade. Jay-Z is known as one of the greats in rap culture, ushering in a new era of music with hits such as Empire State of Mind and Run This Town. He, along with Kanye, brought rap to the height of popular culture, and rocked the charts while doing so. Beyonce blew up much earlier with her album Dangerously in Love in 2003. It earned her 5 Grammy Awards, establishing her forever as a pop sensation. Just recently her album “Lemonade” went platinum. They were last seen throwing a charity concert in the Big Apple, so if you’re in the city right now or plan to go soon, you might get lucky!
7. Neil Patrick Harris Neil Patrick Harris is most prominently known for his fan favorite character Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother. Although the show set in New York City was actually filmed in Los Angeles, Neil Patrick Harris calls New York City his home. This is another celebrity that really likes getting out of the house. He’s a huge fan of travelling, but he’s seen in NYC more than anywhere else, so if you’re timing is good you may even get to meet him! Hopefully you’re lucky enough to run into our favorite famous New Yorkers! Keep an eye out, as your chances of running into one of these iconic celebrities aren’t as unlikely as you may think.