The Do’s and Don’ts of Traveling with Family on NYC Bus Tours

The Do’s and Don’ts of Traveling with Family on NYC Bus Tours

There are so many attractions in the Big Apple for you to enjoy. One of the best ways to catch them all is with a bus tour. When you are headed out on NYC bus tours with your family, you want to make sure you stick together and have a great time. With the following tips, everyone can stay safe and have a blast making memories.

Do Have Snacks & Entertainment Ready

If you are traveling with children of any age, it’s never a bad idea to have snacks and some entertainment on hand. Take a little time and download some games on your phone or pick up a handheld one. Don’t forget to pack some granola bars, fruit, nuts, and water to help make your ride easier.

Don’t Expect to Be on Time

When you are enjoying NYC bus tours with the entire family, it’s a good idea to keep in mind you will likely be slower arriving than you plan. Tack on an extra 15 minutes to a half an hour for getting generally anywhere. In addition, start getting your family around so that you can get out the door at least an hour in advance. This will help you keep from missing the bus and all the attractions on the tour.

Do Plan in Advance

If you want the best tickets, best seats, and best prices, get organized and start planning early.

Don’t Get Separated

Another important factor to consider when traveling with your family on NYC bus tours is to not separate. Don’t get on different buses and expect to easily find one another if you are unfamiliar with the Big Apple. Instead, wait for the next bus so there is room for everyone.

Do Have an Itinerary

When you are enjoying NYC bus tours as part of a group, it’s a good idea to have a game plan or itinerary. This can help ensure that everyone gets to see the attractions they are most interested in.

Don’t Plan Every Minute

You want to leave time to be impulsive and enjoy some of the spontaneity the big city can offer. Having each activity and every hour planned out can add unnecessary stress to your adventure. Instead, leave some time for you to just kick around New York; you’ll be surprised at the endless possibilities you come across!